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An Astrological Look at Stephen King’s Natal Chart


Every day, I like to look at celebrity birthdays and post a few on Facebook and Twitter. We all love to look for aspects of ourselves in the personality of a celebrity who shares our birthday, don’t we? Today, September 21st, I happened to note a trend of excellence in thinking and communication skills. Next, I pulled one of my favorite books off the shelf, Love Cards by Robert Camp, and looked up the card for September 21st. Camp assigns a title to each card, which I’ve found to be uncannily accurate in summarizing the personality for each card. I had to chuckle when I saw that September 21st is the three of clubs – the card Camp calls “The Writer’s Card.”

A wildly popular and successful writer who happens to be born today is an excellent example of the three of clubs. In Camp’s Destiny Card system, the threes are highly creative and imaginative and clubs rule communication. Stephen King is truly a king in his chosen field. I must admit that although I am a voracious reader, I have only read a small slice of his prolific literary offerings because his writing makes me bite my nails and sit on the edge of my seat. It can take me a few days to shake off the unease that reading his novels creates in me. When I looked at his birth chart today, many things jumped out at me immediately that made me think, “Oh, of course,” and I’ll share a few with you. So much jumps out to indicate his unique talent and notable career that it is hard to know where to begin!

Writing ability and a fertile imagination that can spin a good story can often be found in a busy third house within the natal chart. The Sun, Venus, and Neptune are all in King’s third house, indicating he takes to writing and enjoys it as naturally as a duck takes to water. Neptune in the third is conjunct Mercury, the planet of communication, in his fourth house of home. The fourth house is also the seat of the soul and the psychological foundation of a person. His Mercury is in Libra, the air sign that contemplates the polarities of self versus other and examines the myriad aspects of human interaction. Venus, Neptune, Mercury are all in Libra, but his Sun is in a late degree of Virgo. The earth influence and detail-oriented nature of a Virgo Sun helps him gather the many thoughts and impressions the Libra influences generate and distill them into a cohesive story. The Libra energy can also help him lead the reader in one direction and then another. Appearances can definitely be deceiving and things aren’t what you think they are is another way of translating King’s Mercury/Neptune conjunction.

Another house to examine for signs of creative ability is the fifth. Here, King’s Moon in adventurous Sagittarius is sextile Mercury. He literally loves to write. Writing is an emotional release for him and possibly more an escape than a work task. His Moon in the fifth also opposes Uranus in the eleventh house of friends and groups. The eleventh house is his audience and Uranus is a planet with electrical and erratic influence. King shocks his audience with his genius ability to generate disturbing emotions as his stories unfold. Some, like myself, may find the emotions his work stirs up to be too uncomfortable. There are other aspects, though, that allow him to be well received and to get away with pushing limits. One of these is the Moon in the fifth trine Saturn/Pluto in dramatic Leo in the first house of self. Saturn rules mortality, longevity, pain, suffering, and sorrow. Some Saturn archetypes are Father Time and The Grim Reaper. Pluto can be power, fear, death and transformation, resurrection, Hades, Hell, all that is dark, disturbing, taboo, hidden and suppressed. Leo rules the fifth house of creativity where King’s Moon sits, so the supportive flow of lunar energy to Saturn/Pluto in the first makes him a dramatic presenter of exciting and disturbing emotions having to do with fear, pain, and death. King also has Jupiter in the fruitful water sign of Scorpio in the fifth, semi-sextile his Sun in the third, indicating his creativity and writing can be prolific and profitable. With Jupiter in square aspect to Saturn/Pluto in the first, success may not have come easily, though. Persistence, persistence, and plain old hard work got him to where he is now. Scorpio rules the metaphysical, paranormal, and supernatural. Another aspect that makes his work appeal to many is King’s Jupiter in Scorpio in the fifth trine Mars in sensitive Cancer in the twelfth house of the subconscious and the collective of society. I suspect King can feel the fear in his body as he creates it in his writing. I wonder – does his hair stand up, does he get goosebumps, must he walk away from his writing and pace a bit before he can return to crafting the perfect words that will make his reader’s skin crawl? He may get some of his ideas from actual nightmares and I wouldn’t be surprised to learn some of his best writing takes place in the wee hours when thoughts naturally turn toward what’s lurking in the closet or under the bed. Mostly, he understands the part of us that likes to be scared and reaches out to that part like a sympathetic good buddy. We must like how Stephen King scares us because we buy a LOT of his books!

To top off his chart, King has the initiative fire sign of Aries on his midheaven. He is a trailblazer in his genre and stands out and above others in his field. I have read novels based solely on the fact that I saw a Stephen King endorsement on the cover. His reputation and fame as a writer are such that he has a following of devoted readers, and deservedly so. Stephen King’s life path as indicated by his Lunar North Node in Taurus in the eleventh house of his natal chart is to bring something material and tangible to the masses. King lacks a strong enough influence in the ninth house of publishing to guarantee his books would make it into print, but his plodding, stubborn Lunar North Node in Taurus combined with his powerfully determined Saturn/Pluto in royal Leo refuses to be ignored. His attitude toward getting his first stories published may well have been, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” His Lunar North Node in Taurus in his eleventh house and his Jupiter in Scorpio in the fifth house are both feminine and fruitful, assisting King in producing a large body of work for his appreciative readers.


Source by Dunnea Rae

Numerology’s Intuition Number- Where Your Gut Feel Takes You


Want to know how your Intuition works, where you hunches and feelings play a part in your life? Numerology can tell where your Intuition is strongest. We just need to calculate your Intuition number.

Calculating your Intuition Number

Your Intuition number comes from a specific branch of Numerology called Yantra or Magic Square numerology. It consist of constructing a Magic square using your birth date numbers, and then interpreting the values in the specific boxes in the square.

Your Intuition number is found by calculating your Life Path number, adding (1), and then reducing the result by fadic addition.

For example, actor Johnny Depp was born on June 9th, 1963; so his Intuition number would be calculated as follows:

Life Path = (6 + 9 + 1963) = (1978) = (1 + 9 + 7 + 8) = (25) = (2 + 5) = (7)

Intuition number = (Life Path + 1) = (7 + 1) = (8)

The Intuition number values and their meanings are listed below.

Intuition Number (1)

You are a logical person, so you tend to avoid relying on your intuition, and use pure logic instead. You do get the occasional flash of intuition when something is of great importance to you; but you are more likely to call it a ‘hunch’ or a ‘gut feeling’, than intuition.

Intuition Number (2)

You have a natural, strong intuition which you heavily rely on. You take your intuition for granted as being part of your makeup. Your intuition is particularly strong when it comes to friends and loved ones. You will often know instantly when something is wrong with one of those you truly care about.

Intuition Number (3)

You have a strong intuition, particularly when you are being creative. Writing, art, and music all bring out your left-brain intuitive streak. However, in issues of logic and analysis, you are most likely to ignore your intuition and act on cold hard facts. In crisis mode, your intuition gets tossed out the window.

Intuition Number (4)

You listen to your intuition, but you also look at a situation logically before acting. You take pride in being a logical person, but deep down, you rely on your intuition to make decisions more than you realize.

Intuition Number (5)

You have strong intuition, but you use it haphazardly in your life. You tend to live in the future more than most people, and your intuition often helps you make the right choice in a situation despite the lack of good information. People tend to think you’re lucky because of the way you seem to always guess right when faced with important decisions in your life.

Intuition Number (6)

You have strong intuition when it comes to mattes of your home and family life. You know just the right time to call or visit a family member who needs help and support. Your intuition ranges over a broad area, but is called forth most often when dealing with your loved ones.

Intuition Number (7)

You have strong intuition in spiritual matters and the occult. When you turn away from these areas and ground yourself in logic, your intuition lays dormant. But, when you turn inward towards spiritual wisdom, your intuition becomes a force to be reckoned with.

Intuition Number (8)

You have very strong intuition in matters of wealth. You are logical is assessing the strength of any money-making venture, but your intuition, your “gut feel” will almost always give you the right answers. Early in life, you may tend to ignore these hunches, but eventually you’ll learn to trust these feelings to your financial benefit.

Intuition Number (9)

You have strong intuition when it comes to being there to help others. You may not be emotionally involved in someone’s life, but your reading of people is perfect; you know exactly when someone needs that helping hand, or moment of support. You have the knack of being in the right place at the right time to help your fellow man.


Source by Keith Abbott

How Reading the Best Books Affects Your Life


Reading is a basic skill that most people in the world are proficient at. It is a skill that is taught when very young, and can be enjoyed all lifelong. Most people develop this skill and usually peak somewhere in their teen years. Then there are those who realize how important this skill is and take it to a much higher level.

Why do some people love to read and others don’t? Some people may read a book a month, or even 1-2 books a week, and others may not even read 5 books a year. Why the disparity? Reading gives you the best value and is the most enjoyable form of entertainment. It helps keep the mind young and nimble, while being able to learn and be entertained all at the same time.

In today’s world there are many things to preoccupy our time. Many people, especially kids, spend far too much time on the computer. Kids age 8-18 spend on average 44.5 hours per week on the computer. To put it in perspective, most adults don’t work that many hours a week. The person will become what the mind dwells upon. I am sure the majority of the time kids spend online is not on educational sites that help develop the mind. Some of these places are dark places to go, and others are just games used to entertain and pass the time.

Life is too short, let’s fill our minds with knowledge, education, and history. There are so many books available, on various subjects, that there is no reason not to spend time reading. Reading some of the best books ever written can affect your life tremendously, and conversely, reading books not worth reading can affect you in a poor way. How many self-help books does the average person read in a year? When you listen to some of the most successful people in the world share how they spend their time, they will tell you about the books that they read. As they say, “If you want to be successful, do what successful people do.”

If you are a successful executive or business owner, you probably already read your fair share of books. Most of the people reading this article probably enjoy reading and read whenever they can. Reading affects the mind and how one thinks. It affects the body as well as the brain. It could have a calming effect, as well as an exciting, exhilarating result. It could help sprout ideas, as well as making one think and really use the mind. It is probably the number one activity, besides walking, that everyone should be encouraged to do to live a long and healthy life.

Don’t stop at one book and say that is it for a while, but be encouraged to read more and more. In fact after reading a good book, that is when it is best to start on another one. Many people read two, three, or more books at once. If you want more out of life, read more books. If you really want much more out of life, read really good books, the best books you can find. There are many to choose from.


Source by Patrick Esposito

God Is Real – Numerology Proves It


Sir Isaac Newton, arguably the greatest scientist who ever lived, said, In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God’s existence.

Corroborating another Newtonian quote, God created everything by number, weight and measure, is numerology – the divine science of numbers in which numbers are simply labels defining vibrational frequencies, numbers and frequencies that further define our lives and destinies. Through numerology it is impossible to negate, disclaim, denounce or dismiss the reality of a power so vast and intelligent it is beyond the scope of human comprehension.

There are several main bullet points substantiating the reality of God through numerology:

  • The immaculate perfection of people’s lives as reflected in their numbers
  • The incredible accuracy of the timelines and events of peoples lives
  • The extreme interconnection of people’s numbers and their lives to those of other people, their numbers and their lives

Perfection of Lives

People not only talk and live their “numbers” (those derived from their full birth name and birth date), they are their numbers. The ancient philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras said, Numbers rule the universe. Everything is arranged according to number and mathematical shape. Pythagoras was irrefutably right. Everything is arranged according to number and that includes our lives as well as our destinies. We can see all of this through different aspects of the King’s Numerology.

Accuracy of Timelines and Events

Things happen when they are destined to happen, not a second before or after. As Saint Sawan Singh of the 20th Century declared, There is an account of every minute of a man’s life. Illness, poverty, health, wealth and so on are all predestined. Whatever is happening is all preordained.

The general categories of events, lessons, activities and so forth of each of our lives are visible through our numerology charts in the Life Matrix, Name timeline and Letter timeline components. Many articles at EzineArticles.com reflect this knowledge such as ” Prince William and the King’s Numerology?” This begs the question, “What intelligence is there that can create a blueprint of our lives that can be known to us through the numbers associated with simply our birth names and birth dates?” It is amazing, amazingly divine.

Interconnection of Numbers

It is truly extraordinary to see the interconnectivity of people’s lives through numbers. Family members, friends and so forth are our family members, friends… or enemies… for a reason. We may not know what the reason is but we certainly can see the numeric relationship of those reasons in our charts and theirs.

Reality of God

What does all this have to do with the reality of God? Very simply, some intelligence is at work creating our lives and destinies – lives and destinies which can clearly be seen and known vis-à-vis our personal numbers. How is this possible? It’s possible because an intelligence far beyond our understanding is creating it all. How could it be otherwise? What other logical explanation can there be? Life is not happenstance, not random. When we see the relationship between our personal numbers and our lives it is impossible to deny the existence of some Power beyond our comprehension. That Power, for lack of a better word, is God. It is real, it exists, and anyone with an open, clear, unbiased mind sans agenda can prove it to himself with a little investigation and study into the divine science of numbers.


God does exist. He, She, It, whatever-is a real Power, a Power so vast and inexplicable it is incomprehensible to the human mind. We can see its manifestation in the simple numbers associated with our full name at birth and our birth date as they relate to the events, conditions, circumstances, relationships and experiences of our lives. There is no need to guess at God’s existence… or doubt… or question… or believe… or disbelieve. We can know His Reality if we will simply take the time to investigate, study and learn about ourselves and the numbers associated with our names and birth dates. Ridiculous? No. God is real beyond any nano spec of doubt. And all we have to do to realize this truth of life is open our eyes… and mind… and see.


Source by Richard Andrew King

Pick The Best Mattress Based On Scientific Tips


To get a good night’s rest, a mattress is an important factor, according to a recent sleep survey. Mattresses can affect our sleep in both positive and negative ways. Hence scientific tips will help you pick the right one.

Uncomfortable mattresses linked to sleep discomfort

While mattresses can hinder sleep quality, they can also improve it. In women mattresses have been linked to decreased pain and discomfort. To bring down stress you need quality sleep on a good one.

It’s worth investing the time and money to find the right mattress as the average person spends about one third of his or her life sleeping.

How to Pick the Perfect Mattress Based on Science?

It turns out there are a lot of mixed messages when it comes to purchasing the perfect beds. Some research points out that foam mattress is the best, while others vouch for regular cotton mattress. There are a few others who swear by air mattresses. It is an unending debate.

Why people disagree on “what is the best mattress” is because comfort and sleep quality are subjective.

The most important consideration when buying a new mattress is personal comfort.

Follow these guidelines backed by science if you are looking for a new mattress in the market for a goodnight’s sleep.

Every eight years you must get a new mattress: The materials may start to degrade if you keep it longer than that and the mattress will become less comfortable to sleep on. Consider buying a new one if you’re sleeping poorly, waking up in pain every day, or feeling disgruntled all the time.

Try before you buy: For at least 20 minutes you must test “sleep” on a mattress in your normal sleep position.

Make comfort your goal: Some people like soft type, others like firm mattresses. A few others prefer medium-firm type. According to experts, it basically comes down to personal preference.

Look for a mattress that fits your body: Experts suggest finding a mattress that’s designed to distribute pressure evenly across the body and conform to the spine’s natural curve. This is not easy as pressure points differ from person to person. Bring a friend along while shopping for a mattress. Ask your friend to observe whether your spine remains fairly neutral as you lie on the mattress in your normal sleeping position. If your spine is obviously curved or sagging in any given direction, then that is not the right mattress for you.

Avoid the sag: A saggy mattress is a big no if you suffer from back pain.

Don’t buy vintage: Anything vintage has takers but not mattresses because a used mattress that has lost its proper structure will do more harm than good.

Ignore brand names and price: Some brands will suit some people but not all. Similarly, you cannot determine the quality of a mattress based on its price.

Thickness doesn’t mean better: Thickness of a mattress doesn’t mean it is comfy. Find the bed that feels the most comfortable by listening to your body and not by the look of it.

Give some time to settle: Even if you loved the mattress while trying it out in the shop it might not feel comfortable when you sleep on it for hours at a stretch. This is because it will take some time for your body to adjust to a new sleeping surface. Have some patience.

Beware of allergens: Look for a hypoallergenic mattress, especially if you are allergic to dust.

Look for trial offers or return policy: Mattresses are expensive and you are not going to change your mattress every now and then. Trial offers are always the best or else you will be stuck with an uncomfortable mattress. To get a good night’s rest, mattress is an important factor, according to a recent sleep survey. Mattresses can affect our sleep in both positive and negative ways. Hence scientific tips will help you pick the right mattress.


Source by Amy Anderson Lee

Numerology – New Age or Old Age


There are some people who believe numerology is a New Age science and therefore should be viewed with suspicion, even disquieting concern. Really? Actually, and quite factually, this is an erroneous belief totally unfounded in logic, reason and fact. Quite truthfully, numerology is as old as time itself, as old as creation itself, far older than man or any living thing. When we take a simple, clear and unbiased look into the reality of numerology, its truth is beyond question.

Numerology is the science of numbers as they relate to life. Numbers are the most universal language of all. Numbers existed before man, before life. Numbers are simply labels for energy. They are, quite frankly, one of the purest forms of communication God uses to connect with man.

The first pure mathematician was Pythagoras who lived approximately 500 years BC. He stated, Numbers rule the universe. Everything is arranged according to number and mathematical shape. It was this remarkable mathematician who first noticed the relationship between numbers and life. In fact, Pythagoras is regarded as being the first numerologist. 2500 years ago is a long time. Therefore, how can numerology be a “New Age” invention?

The great scientist, Sir Isaac Newton, said: God created everything by number, weight and measure… It is the perfection of God’s works that they are all done with the greatest simplicity. He is the God of order and not of confusion. These esteemed scientists understood the reality of numbers as being the cornerstone of the foundation of the universe. Therefore, numbers existed before man, before life.

Think of the Periodic Table of Elements, each of which is associated with letters and numbers. For example, gold has a letter symbol of “Au” and an atomic number of 79. Silver has a letter symbol of “Ag” and an atomic number of 74. Oxygen’s symbol is “O” and its atomic number is 8. So it is with all the elements, each is identified by letter and number.

Furthermore, consider sound, light, and electricity. They can all be measured using numbers. In fact, what is there that cannot be reduced to numbers? When someone makes a claim that numerology is “New Age,” perhaps it is because the reality of numbers is new to them, but obviously numbers… and their relationship to life itself… are not new.

Christians and Numerology

There is a belief among some Christians that numerology is demonic, and because it is “New Age” should be avoided. How can this be? Notwithstanding the reality of science and numbers, Christians use the number 666 to define the “Mark of the Beast.” Defining a person by numbers while denouncing numerology is like worshiping the sun while not only believing it does not exist but labeling it as demonic.

In fact, all Christians have to do to prove that numerology is a divine system of communication is look no further than the Bible itself, which is the richest numerological work on the planet. Verily, the very first line from the first chapter of the Bible, Genesis, states, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” The number 1 in numerology is the cipher representing new beginnings, new starts, creation… genesis. It is no wonder the first line of the first chapter of the Bible declares creation.

As one continues to read the Bible, the reality of numbers is so glaringly obvious that any person, especially a Christian, cannot possibly deny the reality of numbers without denying the Christian faith and even the Bible itself. The numbers 3, 4, and 7 are so prevalent in the Bible they cannot be overlooked, nor can the way they are used be overlooked. To deny numerology, let alone disclaim, discredit or debase it, is to deny the divinity of life itself, the Bible itself, and more specifically, to deny God Himself.


The truth of numerology is that it is not “New Age” but “Old Age” – as old as creation itself. Numerology is the divine science of numbers and their relationship to life and destiny. It is not to be feared. It is to be embraced. Through numerology, God gives us the ability and privilege to know our lives and destinies so that we will not be ignorant, and losing our ignorance we can make spiritual strides and gains toward our ultimate freedom and soul liberation. Numerology is a great gift for mankind. Of this there is no doubt. But if one wants to believe numerology is “New Age” and that it should be avoided or disclaimed, then one will live the life of those who once ignorantly clung to the illusion that the world was really flat when, in fact, it had been scientifically proven to be round by direct perception.

~finis Copyright 2011 by Richard Andrew King


Source by Richard Andrew King

Numerology & The Number 11 – What it Means & Why it’s so Challenging


Seeing the number 11 over and over in your daily life can mean many things.

It’s possible you have prominent “11” in your comprehensive natal and, or timing charts, which would mean the number 11 is especially important to you.

It’s common for people to favor certain numbers, or for certain numbers to mysteriously show up time and again in their lives, without even realizing that the numbers are of great magnitude (i.e., position and, or frequency) in their comprehensive charts.

Or, perhaps it could be purely a subconscious attachment to the number 11 for any number of reasons.

We’ve written extensively about the phenomenon of seeing the same numbers over and over.

11 is a Master Number, as are all double digit numbers, such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99. “Master Number” is an appropriate term because the high side of each Master Number represents rare and exceptional energy originating from outside mundane reality, far from the norm. But too often the low side of these double digits manifests, and operating productively under the energy is like trying to tame a wild horse, especially when the person lacks the discipline and general overall capacity to deal with life’s challenges in the first place. Difficult personal timing as reflected by the collective patterns of time cycles also symbolically prohibits the constructive expression of Master Numbers.

11 is not an easy number, especially for material interests. You want to avoid heavy speculation, for example, if you have a lot of 11 energy in your comprehensive charts.

There is a huge potential for loss in high risk material concerns, depending upon the rest of the patterns in the natal and timing comprehensive charts.

Some of the more challenging traits associated with the number 11 may include any of the following (other considerations in the charts collectively either support or mitigate the energy): Nervous energy, intense fear, unpredictability, unrealistic outlook, lack of discernment, religious dogma, fanaticism, insecurity, hyper-sensitivity, controversial behavior, overly receptive and vulnerable to the point of being an easy target, self deprecation, low self-worth, health issues, stagnant energy, vacillation, excessive mutability or changeability to the point of constantly riding the fence and lacking true personal convictions, dual nature, excessive idealism and unrealistic spiritual ideas resulting in a cosmic fu-fu-based dogmatic outlook, complex personality, untamed, wild inspiration, emotional volatility, infamy, extreme behavior, or insanity.

On the high side (again, other aspects/patterns collectively either corroborate, moderate, or cancel out the qualities), those with heavy 11 may possess illumination, unparalleled spiritual awareness (if they are otherwise grounded, as symbolized by the rest of the comprehensive charts’ energy), magnetism, vision, prophetic talent, charm, grace, inventive inspiration, and they may have regular revelations to help guide them on their earthly path. They are often natural channels and mediums, messengers for the Gods, and they frequently end up well-known or famous (frequently very famous). Artistic talent is common, as are big ideas, high standards, strong interest in metaphysics and holistic healing, humanitarianism, and public service, often through their work (although it may not appear directly as public service).

11 pertains to heightened awareness and those with plenty of 11 tend to get regular shocking insight about their life and other people. After growing into their talent, it’s not shocking any longer, at least to them. While they are often vulnerable, they see others as they are, beyond the personas and facades. They must learn to trust their insight and avoid going with the expected modes of thought and behavior. Grounding disciplines, such as meditation, exercise, or artistic pursuits serve them well. Those who try to ignore and deny their piercing illumination risk phobias, obsessions, and even psychosis.

Those with a traditionalist point of view possessing heavy 11 who expect life conditions that appeal to society (out of a desire for approval) are prone to embarrassing life situations. For example, a messy, very public divorce, or a daughter who comes out of the closet in a very public way in a part of the world where expressing one’s true sexual orientation is still significantly frowned upon is typical.

Again, 11 isn’t easy. Those with a potent 11 along with heavy materialistic considerations in the comprehensive charts, sadly, are often challenged with integrity issues. Duplicity and deceit eventually gain them infamy. Kenneth Lay (The former CEO of Enron was convicted of 10 counts of securities fraud in one of the most publicized corruption scandals in U.S. history; Enron’s bankruptcy was the biggest in U.S. history when it was filed in late 2001.) and Manuel Noriega (The Panamanian dictator was accused of taking payoffs from a Columbian drug cartel; in the early 1990s he was convicted and sentenced to 40 years in U.S. prison.) are two prime examples.

Divine revelation is intimately tied to the number 11. The two columns of the side-by-side number ones comprising the 11 symbolize a channel from higher dimensions.

Unfortunately those with plenty of 11 are too often seen as empty-headed. This is partly because it’s not easy being in two places at once under the 11 (easier with other Master Numbers, such as 22 or 77). They split their energy between the earth plane and other dimensions, often-times preferring the latter. It’s as if in their most previous existences, they spent more time in angelic form instead of in human form. It’s natural for them to psychically tap into the mysterious, unseen levels of being while generating their phenomenal visions. However, they suffer from not spending 100% of their time rooted on the earth plane, and it detracts from a solid “feet on the ground” existence.

Number 11 demands that one lives their light, no matter how “good” or “bad” that light might seem to society. To do otherwise makes their life more difficult than necessary. A compassionate viewpoint and candid way of life, living within their ideals, allows them to effectively spread their vision, fulfilling their earthly mission.

Some great examples of known individuals with heavy 11 energy (in various, prominent positions in the comprehensive charts) include the following:

*Leonardo DiCaprio, American actor, lead in Titanic, one of the biggest grossing films of all time.

*George Patton, American military commander of WW1 forces. He Claimed he had lived previous lives as, among others, a Greek soldier and a Roman Legionnaire.

*Jackie Stewart, Scottish-American pro race car driver; one of the most famous race car drivers of all time.

*Gene Wilder, American comedian and actor. Joined the army in his 20s and spent two years in the psychiatric hospital ward, which he later drew upon for his role in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.”

Copyright (c)


Source by Scott Petullo

A Brief History of Vedic Astrology


All across the world, we nowadays find a large number of people inclined towards astrology, wherein astrology allows individuals to make better decisions for their future and find the right path to move ahead in life. The history of astrology, nevertheless, dates back way back to the Vedic times.

One of the unique and very typical features of Vedic astrology and Indian astrology is its consistency, and Vedic astrology has been practiced with an unwavering continuity for past 5000 years. The uniqueness of the art form is further accentuated by its own typical theology, art, science, literature and philosophy.

The Vedas are the timeless and divine source of knowledge and wisdom, the kind that will never lose their significance, till eternity. While the Vedas form the supreme text in Vedic Astrology, these are also possessed with six supplementary appendixes, known as the vedanganas. The information about astrology and astronomy is derived from one of these vedanganas, which is known as the Jyotish Vedangana. Additionally, the rishis often derived information from the Vedas and used it to enhance their knowledge of the Jyotish vedangana.

In essence, Indian astrology can be broadly divided into two parts, the Siddhanta Bhaga and the Phalit Bhaga, which are the calculative and the predictive parts respectively. In the Rigveda, which is the first of the Vedas, a year has been represented by twelve months, and there is an additional month which correlates the solar and lunar months. Moreover, details of planets in form of Gods can all be found in the Rigveda.

Information and the deep knowledge about astrology has since the ancient times been conveyed through word of mouth, wherein the disciples received teachings from their masters. And we can find a host of ancient books on Vedic astrology. One of the oldest books on Astrology is the ‘Rigjyotisha’, which was written by Lagadha. In the ‘Rigjyotisha’, the two ayans of the year are mentioned. Additionally, the ‘Rigjyotisha’ describes the five types of years, along with their ruling deities. This also explains the precision of equinoxes, and mentions the 27 stars.

Another one of the greatest texts based on Vedic astrology is ‘Brihat Samhita’. The ‘Brihat Samhita’ was written by Varahamihira in the year 123 AD, and comprises of 105 chapters and 4000 verses. Based upon astronomy and astrology, the ‘Brihat Samhita’ shows us ways to apply astrology for public welfare.

In the year 476 AD, Aryabhatta wrote the ‘Aryabhateeya’, this includes a lot of astronomy, mathematics and astronomy. And the ‘Mahabhaskareeya’, based on astro mathematics was written by Bhaskar in 629 AD. The ‘Siddhanta Siromani’ is yet another great book on astronomy, written by Bhaskar. This introduces a host of mathematical concepts, which include square root, cube root and factorial values. Alternately, the ‘Siddhanta Siromani’ talks about planets, the radius of earth, eclipses and seven atmospheric layers.

Neelkantha, Kalyana Verma, Venkatesa and Kalidasa are some of the other authors and teachers from the divine tradition of Vedic astrology, who made significant contributions in form of their books and teachings.


Source by Harshad Jethra

Zodiac Symbol Virgo From Vedic Astrology


Many individuals will pick up the newspaper and read their daily horoscope, but few really understand the true meaning being the zodiac symbol they were born under. With Vedic Astrology, the symbols or signs of the Zodiac that an individual is born under are considered as characteristic traits of that individual. In the Zodiac, the sun represents the inner nature, character, and personality of individuals.

The sixth symbol of the Zodiac is Virgo, the Virgin, which is considered to be an earth sign. The symbol for Virgo is a virgin who is holding sheaves of wheat within her hands, which symbolizes wisdom that has been gained through experience. Virgo the Virgin is considered to be a mutable sign, which is ruled by the planet Mercury that is considered to be the messenger from the gods, as well as a magical trickster.

The planet Mercury controls the intellect and communicative functions of individuals who are born under the Virgo sign. It also controls female Virgos who are intellectual, critical, and analytical in their approach to life whenever it is in the right cycle.

Individuals who are born under the symbol of Virgo the Virgin are inclined to be practical, industrious, and adaptable. They seem to possess a remarkable eye for detail. Virgos are shy, but are waiting for that perfect love, so they are also idealistic. Disappointment will harden them to become cynical and skeptical, which is due to disappointments that have been either discriminating in nature or on a more sensitive issue. Virgos are known to be intellectual, but yet critical, especially of their own self and of the circumstances around them.

Individuals born under the sign of Virgo tend to be very health-conscious and try to stay in good health by participating in a regular exercise program so they can continue to stay physically fit. They tend to enjoy tennis, swimming, biking, fishing, racquetball, and sailing, but not competitively, just mostly for fun. Whatever skills Virgos seek, they aim to be the best in it. They tend to have talents in a variety of crafts such as designing and dressmaking, and may participate in the art of cartography and philately. Virgos enjoy reading books and magazines as well as writing, so communication is very important to them.

Virgos are perfectionists and are ceaseless in their pursuit. They have an irresistible urge to improve everything and everyone, with irresistible motives of helping others. They are service-oriented in seeking to improve the environment by pursuing careers in health fields such as teaching and counseling.

Virgos who have a tendency to act the martyr will use guilt as a weapon when their offerings are ignored. This is when Virgos can be destructive in their motives, but not on purpose. Virgo the Virgin rules the sinus, respiratory system, and bowels of the body, so they are prone to colds, flu, allergies, constipation, and problems with the intestines. They complain of black moods or bouts of depression and can be despondent at times.

Their colors are blue, yellow, navy, lilac, and yellow with blue being the principal color. The birthstone for Virgos is the sapphire, which is a combination of corundum and was known as a love charm in some ancient societies. Sapphires are available in a variety of colors with some even being transparent, but the most valuable of these are the blue ones. The flowers and plants commonly known to be associated with Virgos are the aster, ivy, fern, and the chrysanthemum.


Source by Victor Epand

Miraculous Incidents Due to Positive Emotions From Day to Day Life and History


Human beings are driven by emotions. Emotion was defined by William James in 1884 as ‘a state of mind that manifests itself by sensible changes in the body’. There are positive emotions and there are negative emotions too.

John A. Schindler in his book, ‘How to Live 365 Days a Year’ says, ‘In any emotion, there are external manifestations- that is, changes one can see exhibited externally on the surface of the body.

Thus negative emotions like anger, anxiety, fear, discouragement, longing etc. induce illness. On the contrary positive emotions like love, joy, hope etc. cures many diseases.

We could read many news from newspapers which are unbelievable.

Here is one such event published in Time of India 4th March 2013 issue.

One Mr Dharmarajan, a 70 – year old Sri Lankan Tamilian, Vavuniya was bedridden due to a prolonged ailment. He has lost trace of his 55 – year old sister.

Thevathu Rukmini Devi was lost for the past 26 years. Suddenly one day he heard the news that his sister is alive. On hearing this news he simply jumped out of his bed and started walking.

When he had almost given up hope of ever meeting his sister, he heard the good news which acted as a tonic and the news acted as a booster shot of energy. His sister was living in Madurai, South India in a refugee camp for many years after escaping from Sri Lanka.

One positive emotion, true love cured his illness when doctors failed.

Such is the power of positive emotion.

Let us go to Indian history. Tavernier in course of his visit to India had chronicled his experiences in a book, Travels, that was first published in 1677 A.D. One of the incidents he mentioned in his book is worth to be noted.

The Raja of Vellore was killed in a battle with the king of Vispur. Eleven of his wives resolved to die with him. On knowing this, the General of Vispur imprisoned all of them together. They told the keeper at the time, ‘Imprisonment is futile. We shall die in three hours’.

After three hours all of them lay stretched on the floor dead, and were gone with their husband, without any mark of violence on their bodies.

It is out of pure love, they sacrificed their life.

We come across one more news published recently in the Times of India dated 25th December 2016.

A couple married for 64 years spent their final few moments together clutching each other’s hands tightly before dying just hours apart in neighboring hospital beds.

Dolores Winstead, 83, and husband Trent Winstead, 88, from Tennessee died in Nashville’s Saint Thomas West Hospital – five weeks short of their 64th wedding anniversary.

Dolores suddenly began to complain of a headache and was taken ill. She has suffered a severe brain aneurysm – and needed to be connected to a ventilator as – in tandem with her husband – her condition began to deteriorate. Hospital staff placed them in the same room and the couple were pictured holding hands next to each other. Dolores died first, with Trent blowing her a kiss when he was told she had passed before then dying himself a few hours later.

Many awe-inspiring incidents as above may be compiled which will make us understand the true meaning of life.

True, positive emotions inspire everybody.and create history.

Let us develop positive emotions to make our life richer.


Source by Santhanam Nagarajan